Dr WONG, Shun-mun Helen
Division Head
BA (H.K.Poly.); MSc (Lond.); DBA (S.Aust); CGA; CPA; FCCA
Teaching and Scholarly Interests: Accounting & Finance
Dr Helen Wong obtained her Bachelor of Arts (First Class Hons) from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Master of Science from the University of London, and Doctor of Business Administration from the University of South Australia. She is also a fellow member of ACCA, an associate member of HKICPA, and CGA.
Dr Wong is a caring teacher. Apart from teaching and overseeing the operations of the Division of Business, Dr Wong is the Convenor of the Accounting and Finance Discipline of CPCE. She also actively participates in community services and scholarly activities. She has acted as an accountant ambassador for HKICPA, a member of the Student Affairs Sub-Committee for ACCA, Education Consultant for AIA, and a board member of HKIAAT.
Dr Wong has a diversified business background and several years’ accounting and finance experience in Hong Kong and Canada. Prior to joining HKCC, she had worked for various well-known organisations, such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and the University of Toronto.